Forestry equipment is used to aid in the process of logging. Different types of machines are required for different stages of forestry. Below there are some examples of forestry machines and equipment:
A feller buncher is a motorized vehicle with an attachment that cuts and collects several trees before felling them. There are tracked and wheeled feller bunchers. This machinery can work on moderately steep slopes.
Stump grinders remove tree stumps utilizing a high-speed cutting disc that crushes tree stumps and roots into small chips.
Mulchers are machines with a mulching attachment that helps to shred vegetation into woody mulch.
A forwarder moves felled logs from the stump to the roadside landing or onto log trucks.
Log loaders sort and stack the logs. When the piles are of the right size, log loaders load them into transport vehicles.
Harvesters are machines with automated cutting heads. They cut trees into logs and fall in the controlled direction. Harvesters can be of different forms, such as wheeled and tracked ones.
Skidders pull logs or whole trees from the woods to the roadside landing.
Chippers are designed for chipping larger tree trunks and limbs into smaller woodchips.
Quality forestry equipment for your choice
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